How to stop being seen as an order taker — and start being respected as a strategic partner.
How do you stop other people and departments from seeing you as the "make it pretty"person?
How do you go from short-term project work to long-term impact?
How do you gain the respect and trust you deserve from the rest of the organization?
In this video, I'm going to show you exactly how you do all of that. It comes directly from my training sessions with Enterprise UX leadership teams — in fact, the audio was lifted from an actual live session with a client.
A social media giant whose name you'd definitely know ;-)
I felt that this would be of more value to you than my re-recording it, so you can see what kinds of things I regularly talk to team leaders (and team members) about — and get hard proof that this is, in fact, what I preach and what they are receptive to and willing to try.
And if it works for them, it can most certainly work for you.
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