Storytelling is at the heart of everything that we do as UXers, designers or researchers.

And in my own life, across my own three-decade career, stories have been at the heart of every single thing that I do. 

The degree to which any conversation I have with anyone who works with me is useful, valuable, meaningful or impactful hinges on my ability to tell a compelling story. That goes for clients, stakeholders, executives, product teams, coaching clients and students as well.

The only way I get and keep their attention, the only way I impart anything of value that’s going to stick — that they can use and apply — is if it’s wrapped in a story that matters to them.

A good story is at the heart of everything. 

Whenever you’re talking to someone else in any capacity, the question that listener is always asking, often subconsciously, is “why do I give a shit about any of this?”

That essential question is only satisfied if the story you’re telling has relevance for them. If it's appropriate for what they’re dealing with, concerned about, chasing after.

So stories matter a great deal — and they're absolutely part and parcel of everything that you do if you're going to do it well.

The good news: contrary to popular belief, you do not have to have any glorious, unique, special oratorial skill or vast experience to tell a compelling story. Your vocabulary doesn't have to be extraordinary or deep.

It doesn't take magic. 

It takes understanding how people send and receive information. Which, as a User, designer or researcher, is something you’re already pretty damn good at.

Whether you think you're an introvert or extrovert or somewhere in between, I promise: you have the skills to do this. 

In this video, I’ll show you how.

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The Power of Storytelling in UX