10 Powerful UX Career Tips (aka road-tested advice from the school of hard knocks).

Overcoming any of the obstacles you face in your daily UX work isn’t a matter of learning some silver bullet method. 

It's not the result of some method or process that suddenly transforms you into an omnipotent UX deity with accurate insight into human needs. Although that does sound tempting ;-)

What you really need is a hell of a lot more practical. A wider, more holistic view of what you do and how you do it.

Strategies for dealing with the seemingly endless challenges you’ll face in your career, many of which are far outside what most people think of — or talk about — when they think of UX.

Advice that works with where you are and what you’ve got, right here, right now.

What follows in this book are 10 unassailable, powerful truths that I’ve learned over the years — sometimes the hard way, as you’ll see. I carry them with me every day, to every gig and every client. I lean hard on them when things get challenging, and after almost three decades, they have yet to let me down.

I have no doubt they will help you weather — and in some cases tame — the rough waters we all have chosen to sail. And above all else, remember this:

If I got this far, you should be able to get twice as far.

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